Soul Expansion with Shauna

Prepare with intention, integrate with love, and embrace the journey within

Preparation & Integration

Your Guide To A Transformative Healing Experience

Preparation and integration are key components of a successful healing journey. This page provides essential information to help you get the most out of your sessions and ensure a smooth, supportive transition before and after your healing experience.

1:1 and Group Healing Sessions

What To Expect

During an energy healing session, you will lie down on your mat, close your eyes, relax into the space, and surrender to the present moment. It’s important to let go of any judgment you hold against yourself and any expectations you may have for the session. When you are grounded into the space, I will play some music, and the session will begin. Most of my sessions begin with a few rounds of conscious connected breathing to help you drop out of the mind and fully into the body.

The more you let go of any expectations and surrender to the present, the more you allow your energy to intensify and move through your system to unblock and clear your energy channels. This enables your own energy to rise and meet the high frequency held in the space.

During the session, I will work on different meridian points and chakra spaces on the body. I may use breath and somatic de-armouring techniques to aid in the release of suppressed emotions and tension in the body. Touch is always a choice – please know you can set a boundary of ‘no touch’ at any stage of the session.

You will only receive what your system is ready for. This energy works to meet you exactly where you are. Your safety is my number one priority as a space holder.

To close the session, I will guide everyone back to the room where we will spend a few minutes in silence, allowing ourselves to integrate our experience. We will then meet in a seated position, and I will open a sharing circle so you can share your experience if desired. This also helps with the integration process. I will also answer any questions during this time and suggest tools and practices you can use over the coming days to integrate the new space you have created within.

How Energy Can Manifest &
Release During a Healing Session

Energy moving through your system can manifest and release in various ways. Every being is unique, and no two people will share the same experience. There is no energy shared or exchanged in a group healing session as this is your own life force energy we are working with. During a session, you may experience energy moving through your system and releasing in various ways such as…

Involuntary Movement:

Energetic Sensations:

Emotional Expression and Release:

Visions, Downloads, & Profound States

Resistance to Letting Go
The Mind Ego

Some people find it difficult to drop out of their minds and anchor into their bodies. Feeling and being present in your body may not have felt safe for you throughout your life based on your past experiences. However, it is important to remember that everyone has life force energy within them. When our body has not completed trauma cycles and is holding onto suppressed emotions, the amount of life force moving through our body is greatly reduced. I encourage you to meet yourself with compassion and be gentle with yourself as it may take some time to re-establish trust with yourself and the world around you as you lean into this journey. You have and always will have courage and bravery deep within; you just have to allow yourself to find it.

As humans, we have a natural reflex to ‘cling on’ as can be seen when newborn babies clasp onto whatever they can find as a means of safety. For us as adults, this act of ‘clinging on’ is still wired in our nervous system. Unfortunately, by holding on to our past trauma, conditioning, and limited beliefs, we are doing more harm to our health and well-being in the long run – allowing this stagnant and suppressed energy to manifest as illness and disease.

Trauma can have a profound effect on our lives. When we are faced with a threat and don’t have the time and/or resources to deal with it, the empowered action we would have liked to take becomes left behind as an incomplete reflex in our nervous system. When we have many incomplete reflexes in our system, this trauma relives itself over and over again – exhausting our bodies of life force.

In my 1:1/group healing sessions, I create a safe space for you to complete these reflexes in your system, restoring energy flow, harmony, and alignment in your mind, body, and soul.

Self Check In & Connection

Preparing for Your Session

Below are some tools you can incorporate in the weeks and days leading up to your healing session. It is important to carve some time out each day to connect inwards before connecting to your external environment. The external world can be quite chaotic, making it difficult for us to find stillness within. Know, however, that this ‘stillness’ is always within – waiting for you. Finding this inner peace within will allow it to blossom and expand. It will always be there as your anchor back into the present moment. This healing journey is a deep journey and exploration of self that requires you to nurture yourself and get to know yourself on a deeper level through each of your encounters.

Recommended Resources

Explore these resources to deepen your understanding and support your healing journey.

Begin Your Healing Journey

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